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Anina and Ben’s story

         Anina and Ben grew up in the same type of tough yet educational environment.


                                    Anina was born in Porvoo and Ben in Helsinki.


                   They met in 2002 and since then have worked together in their

                sales and marketing  company, expanding it into several countries.


                       They have been married for 12 years and they have four children:                                         Benjamin (20 yrs.), Melissa (19 yrs.), Oliver (11 yrs.) and Shira (6 yrs.).


                       Anina and Ben have 17 years of experience working with people.

                         Over the years, they have met numerous people and leaders.

                 Most importantly, they  have helped people to grow and take responsibility

                                  for their companies and lives and they have seen

                                      how leadership has grown in these people.


                     For 17 years, Anina and Ben have been supported and mentored by

                  Peter Cox, the CEO of Leadership Dynamics. He has helped them grow

        as leaders during ups and downs and taught them the importance of team spirit.

                   He has shown them what is important when developing leadership,

             for example in terms of communication issues and setting the right goals.

                                       He is the strongest leader they have met.

               He has 30 years of experience and an impressive background as a mentor,

                      helping companies to develop their leadership and team spirit.



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                      Anina and Ben’s motto has always been that family is number one.

     When your family is balanced, open and happy, you can be the same at home and at work.                                                           Planning is the key to success.


                                                            There are no excuses!


             Anina’s aim is to interact with people and help them understand other people,

                        realize the benefits of positive thinking and find their own path.

                                          She does this through personal mentoring.

                                 She also promotes the growth of leadership in people.


                 The best leader is the one who is a team player instead of just giving orders.


                                           Ben focuses on mentoring business leaders.

                 In order for a company to grow, it is important to change its way of thinking

            in terms of effective leadership. This always requires an outside perspective so that

                the company can find all potential strengths in the workplace environment.

            Workplace collaboration becomes stronger when employees and managers are

             given personal mentoring. It helps teams find their strengths and weaknesses.

        Diversity is wonderful and makes many things possible as long as it is utilized efficiently.

                  It is essential to improve communication and increase unity and harmony.


                                                              This is leadership!

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